#55 Falling Miracle Dreams Again

#55 Falling Miracle Dreams Again

Est. Reading Time: 1

Appears your dreaming

Sometimes you have dreams that are so far out there you wonder whether or not they are real! It makes no difference that you have these realistic dreams because you are going to have them anyway. You’re not afraid to see what’s going on in the back of your mind, even when you’re sitting front row inside of them.
You’re just so thankful to be here today and sharing your thoughts with everyone. It’s been a long time coming, but you’re finally prepared to share your story.

Soon you will realize your alive

All that matters is this moment now. The moment you share your story with another human being. It would be interesting to see you years later reading this post, but to be honest, you don’t really care. All that matters to you is right here and right now. Truthfully speaking, there’s no better time than now to share your story.

Now, you know what goes on in your life. Now, here’s the world.

Your world consists of many different aspects:
  • People
  • Feelings
  • Attitudes
Words can’t describe what you see, and what you feel. That’s why you do your best to capture every moment because it could be your last. You are going to fall sometimes because that’s how you learn to get up. It’s a cache 22.


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