How to Build a Professional Learning Community

For proper growth of a community, the primary goal for organizations present is to expand their production. One of the noted ways is by ensuring that the members based on the organization or firm have ample environment to enable them to carry out their day to day activities effectively, Today we are going to discuss all that you need to put into consideration when building, designing or constructing a boardroom office.

How to Build a Professional Learning Community

Part 1/2

how to build a professional learning community
All You Need to Know about Building and Designing a Boardroom Office
Written by: Silviagathii
For proper growth of a community, the primary goal for organizations present is to expand their production. One of the noted ways is by ensuring that the members based on the organization or firm have ample environment to enable them to carry out their day to day activities effectively, Today we are going to discuss all that you need to put into consideration when building, designing or constructing a boardroom office.


  1. What budget has been allocated towards the course? This should be the first question that should be raised. The amount of capital that you have will greatly determine the furniture, technology, and structure to be incorporated in your boardroom office. If you have a huge chunk of money, you should consider purchasing state of the art items.


    1. The amount of space that you have set for the new boardroom should also be a factor to consider. When you have a large space, you are in a position to construct an enormous boardroom office that will properly accommodate all board members as well as give them adequate space to play their role effectively.

      Nature of business

      1. The nature of your business will determine the type of boardroom office that you are likely to construct. For instance, if your business is about the invention of apps and software, you are likely to have a different boardroom setting as opposed to a business that deals with mere finances. In the first case, the boardroom office will require having space for the board members to showcase their ideas as well as work in progress.

        Size of your business

        1. A small organization usually has few board members as opposed to a large organization that requires more board members.

          What are the dos and don'ts of building and designing a boardroom office?


          Purchase high-quality equipment.
            a) Furniture
            • The boardroom table and seats should be comfortable. Making the board members comfortable will also help them be at ease when coming up with solutions and inventions.
            b) Technology
            • Provide tabs and laptops for each and every board member in the room. If they are able to easily get access to all the information being brought to the table, the decision-making process, as well as the unforeseen problems will be easily tackled.
            c) Food and drinks
            • If board meetings are to take a long time, or are scheduled to take place during lunch time hours, you might consider providing snacks to the board members. A mini-fridge and a coffee maker should be present in the office.
            Enhance comfort
            a) Board members should have adequate sitting and working space.
            • Having a congested boardroom office will make the members feel uncomfortable and in the end, divert their attention from the office.
            b) Proper lighting.
            • Light carp experts have shown that an office with adequate lighting makes members have their full attention focused on the agenda being discussed as well as make them relaxed and open minded. You should, therefore, ensure that the boardroom has transparent windows as well as adequate lighting.
            c) Calm wall colors
            • Blue, white and gray are some of the most preferred board room colors. Boardroom meetings are at times hectic and making the board members calm will prove to help greatly. Do not be in a rush to use shouting colors.
            d) Air conditioning
            • The boardroom should have sufficient air flow in and out the structure. Too hot or too cold temperatures may end up making the meeting grounds conducive.


            1. Overcrowd your boardroom with enormous furniture.
            2. Construct your boardroom in a noisy environment if there are other better areas.

             Part 2/2

            You don't have concentration? Maybe you need new professional learning community

            Written by: micas251
            Team work is one of the most important things when we want to find the best solution for any problem. How is important sincerely between the people and are fighting for the best solution, equally is important work space, because it is inspiring us, our brains works better and our productivity is better, gives us the best solutions because where is good atmosphere in a space, there are becoming the best ideas.
            How to build a professional learning community which is good for all people who are staying in that boardroom? Look the list of the most important things which you need when you are using in building and designing your boardroom office:


            Our work space is a place where we are trying to give the best of us. There, we need to be concerted on a job, on decisions, on a conversation and listening our partners or clients. That is the reason for simply look of walls in a boardroom, because if you have too many details, which is superfluous, your attention don't focus on the project, tasks which must be solved, on the best solution, respectively that details distract your attention and reduce your productivity.
            Today, we have the walls that encourage our productivity, that our brain is working faster, has too much brainstorming and bring a lot of ideas. We know one of the best phrases of the business and life that is the best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. You can to find the wallpapers which are having a simply words, but with good sounds for our brain, which is encourage him. Those words are more important for our brain more than we think.
            Some of them are: smart, quality, information, share, curious, ideas, just do it, simply, productive etc. The other thing is a color of the walls. The best colors are white or shades of brown because they are the most pleasant for our eye. On your walls you can to have the wall paintings with more green color because it is the most widespread color in the nature.



            Daily lights are good for the atmosphere but in some moments he can interfere us, because if the cloudy outside, your room will be dark and you need other lighting. Unnatural lights are providing atmosphere which you want in that room. You can to adjust lights, their power, route and their focus.
            Focus is the most important when we are talking about lights. High level of lights on one place is good because that are contributing to concentrate on reading, learning and thinking about a job.


            Furniture includes: boardroom tables, chairs and shelves. 

            For the boardroom's furniture are important material which used when they are making. Solid wood is the best for tables, because its maintenance is easier than others. Shape of the table will send a message for all members on the meeting. If is a shape like ellipse or rectangle and all of the them sit, facing each other, everybody has a feeling of community which are working on the same goals.
            Chairs should be comfortable, because learning and conversation can to take a lot of time.
            Shelves are using for things and documentation that we use on the meeting and it must be inconspicuous, with simple design. They should be in one color, because they also distract our attention if they have complicated design.
            Conclusion about building and designing a boardroom office is that should be simple, neat, with good layout and without unnecessary details.
            Thank you for reading this blog post! -Carl
            How to Build a Professional Learning Community


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