#52 A Little Too Familiar Feeling

#52 A Little Too Familiar Feeling

Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes
Things are going pretty well for me right now. I’m still not where I want to be at yet in life, and so I am working hard to get there. Nights and days just seem to fly by, but i guess thats the price I must pay… either way i’m happy with life and how far i have come.
its weird seeing myself 10+ years later since I was recording my first song in my car…with a dream to make a living doing so.. its just sooooo crazy how that dream is a reality for me now! I guess I just wanted it badly enough. I mean, i really wanted to do what I love doing..and thats make music. I wasn’t going to let things get into the way of my music…and they never did thankfully.
i managed to get through high school, the marine corps, about to finish my college education, and hopefully a ton more. but whats most important that I’ve found through the long nights alone and uncomfortable ones is that….
its not necessarily all about the money… and its not necessarily about the fame… or any other materialistic thing.. its about the person that you become in the process that matters! When I had a dream a long time ago about helping people in the world through my music, there wasn’t a single other idea floating around during that moment. all that made sense was connecting with people through my music. to me…this is being true..:) and i hope to continue on this journey for as long as i live to tell the tale.
you guys were my inspiration from the get go and i’m glad to know that i haven’t changed or strayed away from the music and dancing. i love you guys to death.. those that i’ve lost and those that i’ve gained. all the same.. you guys motivate me to do well and if it were not for you guys than well…life would be full of a lot of wolvofficial music and no body to listen to it but me haha. either way, you get the idea.. you guys are my inspiration.


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