#54 Need A Miracle

#54 Need A Miracle

Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes
I have never wanted something more badly in all my life than to make a living producing music and selling it on iTunes. Every since I was little, I would take my laptop and lock myself in the car–not literally, and record music all day long. I never thought about the money issue or anything like that. It was the pure enjoyment and satisfaction that I had gotten from producing those songs that gave me a purpose to live.
It has always been a dream of mine to make it big in the world, not just the music industry, but helping other people. This blog post is for anybody who needs a miracle right now. Life can get really hard and we often give up on our dreams because of that. Don’t give up! There have been many of times when I wanted to give up on my music and call it a day, but no…I kept on pushing the boundaries of what seemed unrealistic and impossible of me to ever accomplish.
I’m here before you today because this world was made up by people no smarter than you! That’s right. You are plenty smart. You can make a positive change in your life. Don’t let people tell you that you can’t do something because anything is possible if you put the time in and work hard-both kinda mean the same thing. I truly believe that you have to follow your passion in order to be happy and successful. That’s the only way I have made it this far in the music industry and everywhere else. I do what I love to do; and that has usually got something to do with making music.
The important thing that I want you to take away from this post is that your going to have to change as a person if you want to make a living doing what you love doing. It is as simple as that. It means that you are probably going to have to stop hanging out with certain people and lock yourself up in a library somewhere haha. The point i’m trying to make is that there’s going to be a lot of times where the friends you have right now, they don’t understand your dreams or vision just like you do; and that it is important for you to stay steady, working hard at your dreams and putting in the time; because, in order for you to make big moves in your industry, you are going to need to learn a lot and hopefully change as a person…a well-rounded individual within your industry.
Long story short…Work HARDER, than you did yesterday. There’s no easy route to take. You can only work smarter, but you still have to work harder. Don’t give up on your education (college,university, whatever). Stay in school. Work your day job, but work on your business every chance you get.
Stay Cool,


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