The Simple Best Way To Get Your Music Heard That Wins Customers

Post Title: Best Way to Get Your Music Heard

Written By: Carl Wolfgang Schultz
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Thank you as always for arriving at my website. If this is your first time here, please take advantage of the many informative blog posts that I've written. Additionally, there's a forum on this site as well as paid membership. If there's something here that isn't quite clear to you, then please reach out to me. I would love to hear from you.  - Carl
Real Story:
The best way to get your music heard Getting your music heard is no easy task, but it is doable. The best way to get your music heard is to keep putting out consistent music. Use distribution companies as leverage! I would say start with getting friends to listen to your music. You can have them give you constructive feedback on your music. Growing as an artist means getting valuable feedback from your family, friends, and fans. The best way to get your music heard is to keep at it. Keep working hard at getting your music out there. Allow yourself time to get heard. Music promotion is not easy. You will need to arm yourself with some marketing strategies to get out there on the market. Musicians should start a Wordpress website. When you have a website, you are building a domain that allows your fans to reach out to you in a more personal way. Websites are great promotional vehicles that will get you off to a great start. There's no best way to get your music heard by others. You have to try things for yourself. See what works for you and your situation. Most folks fail at getting their music heard because they give up too early in the game. Where to sell your music? My favorite of the three is This service is a long-term solution, and a must have in your arsenal. I'm still a little confused about their prices, but I don't doubt their reputation or service. I've experimented with all three of these distribution companies. is my favorite because of the zero upfront cost approach that the firm does. doesn't charge you anything to upload music. is now partnering with They are going to give users a better experience on the platform. If the new dashboard looks anything like the CDBaby dashboard, users will happy. The CDBaby dashboard is legit, and its beautiful design and always updated. CDBaby already has a fabulous user experience. I love that does not charge upfront costs to post your album in online stores. They only take a commission from every sale that you make. takes from every sale a small fee of somewhere around 10% or so. I will update this blog post as time permits me to do so. I think this article has the potential to help out a lot of folks in the music industry. Music has always been my passion, and I look forward to helping you out in any way that I can. I haven't made a significant amount of money in the music industry. On that very same note, I do expect to make quite a bit more in the upcoming years. I will achieve this through hard work, persistence, and disciplined efforts. Thank you for reading this blog post.
Promotion of the Day:
[Disclosure: This is a professional review site and blog that receives compensation from the companies whose products I review. I test each product thoroughly and give high marks to only the very best. I am independently owned and the opinions expressed here are my own.]
Zoom H6 Six-Track Portable Recorder
My Zoom H6 is useful. It is portable and sounds good. The H6 won't replace your condenser microphone, but it can if you know how to use it. I want to take this microphone out into the field sometimes. It picks up audio quality well. I don't know that much about microphones, but I have owned quite a few in my day. I still have this microphone today. I use it for podcasting, laying down vocals for a rough draft song. In the future, I would like to take this microphone out into the field to capture the sounds of nature. I recommend this product because it has many xlr ports on the device. You can use these ports for many different things. This device is an all in one solution! Please check it out on the Amazon store.
[Disclaimer: I get a commission if you buy H6 through Amazon. Thank you for your time and effort reading this review]

This product is great! You can use it anywhere. Use it outdoors or indoors.
What is one actionable step that my readers can take from reading this post?
  • Actionable Step #1 - Focus on your long term gains. Don't stress too much about short term gains. Music is a long term business. You can start today by opening up an account with one of the three distribution companies mentioned above.
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Respectfully Written By,
Carl Wolfgang Schultz

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