I'm A Happy Camper | Why is Writing in My Blog so Healthy?

Do You Ever Feel the Urge to Write?

I'm a happy camper when:
  • I have a full and warm cuppa coffee
  • I have finger food by my desk
  • I have my mac book air laptop next to me for writing my blog
  • I have a roof over my head
  • When the temperature is just right in the room preferably 76 degrees
  • When I have a girlfriend who loves me most
  • When all my bills are paid
  • When I have all morning to work on my blog and different websites
  • oh, and I almost forgot to mention. When I have a pillow under me
The list could go on and on, but when I try to craft my blog posts I tend to get a little analytical at times, and so it's nice to just write for the sake of writing. It's nice to turn things off for a minute and to have the alone time to work on projects. I'm so thankful to be here right now spreading my message to you.

What's My Message to You?

My message is simple in that you can't truly be happy in life unless you're happy with what you already have. It's so easy to want materialistic items right here and right now. It's harder to wait, and be patient (save up) for the things that we want. Trust me. I've been there. I have a music business that always needs new equipment. It's important to be patient. I believe that being patient for the things that we truly want is a good habit to develop. Here's a classic book that teaches the importance of patience when building wealth: https://www.amazon.com/Think-Grow-Rich-Napoleon-Hill/dp/149617545X

Why Do I Like Writing so Much?

Writing is a great way for me express my thoughts and opinions about life. I find great satisfaction writing, especially online. I think more people should start a blog online. Writing on my blog makes me feel amazing. It's  not fully understood to me how it can be such a stress reliever, but I can feel the effects that it has on me. It amazes me how good my moral is when I write. Also, when I write, I feel like I can take on the day, and handle every-day situations much better. When I write early in the morning, people don't stress me out as much during the later parts of the day. Respectfully Written, Carl Wolfgang Schultz


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