How Should an Entrepreneur Ensure Personal Discipline in Business

How Should an Entrepreneur Ensure Personal Discipline in Business

It's not easy by any means to remain disciplined.
The hard part is not giving in to temptations. I often find myself giving in to temptations and then later regretting my decisions. After awhile I eventually get disgusted with my current situation and then I go outside my comfort zone to explore my potential.
In order to ensure personal discipline, one must stay FOCUSED on a goal.
The reason is because one specific goal can drive us to a better understanding of ourselves as well as our capabilities. Furthermore, by focusing on one goal and never allowing ourselves to lose sight of that one goal we can effortlessly pull ourselves into the direction we desire to go!
Some say discipline is the key to riches!
I agree with that statement. As much as it sucks to put off instant gratification, I can understand why a person would want to think ahead and plan for their future. Living in the moment is great and all, and I wish I was better at it, however I can honestly say that building a future myself was one of the better decisions I have made in my life.
If you are working for someone else, you need to be disciplined for your boss; and, if you are not working for your boss, then you had better be prepared to have discipline in everything that you do because when you work for your own business you have to pay attention and you have to work smart! Discipline is critically important to your entrepreneurial success.
You can ensure your discipline by not putting yourself into situations where you find yourself vulnerable to temptations.
You have to take possession of your own money and your own mind. As a side note, whenever you feel like giving in to undisciplined behaviors, remember to forgive yourself because you need to make friends with the person in the mirror so to speak. Take it easy on yourself, but also be aware that making good decisions can enhance your current situation and take you where you need to go.

Thank you. Carl Wolfgang Schultz

How Should an Entrepreneur Ensure Personal Discipline in Business


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