Embracing the Skateboarding Life: A Personal Journey (How Skateboarding Kept Me Grounded Throughout Life)

Embracing the Skateboarding Life: A Personal Journey (How Skateboarding Kept Me Grounded Throughout Life)

Growing up was always a challenge for me. I had a wide range of talents but never truly excelled in any one area. I often felt lost while trying to discover who I was. One constant in my life, however, has been skateboarding, which I've been doing since I was 4 years old.

Skateboarding has remained a steadfast companion in my life, even during my time in the U.S. Marine Corps. While some Marines disapproved of my laid-back approach to life, I didn't let their opinions bother me because skateboarding was my way of expressing myself.

Now in college, I continue to skateboard across campus. Despite occasional run-ins with the police due to "street skateboarding," I stay true to my roots. I'm not advocating breaking the law, but I believe it's essential to stay connected to your hobbies and dreams.

At one point, I dreamed of skateboarding for the rest of my life and possibly making a living from it. As I've grown older, I've realized that might not be a practical way to pay the bills. But don't let that deter you from pursuing your skateboarding dreams; you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

The lesson here is to never let anyone tell you that your hobbies are silly or childish, no matter how old you are. What other people think about you doesn't matter; if it makes you happy, go for it.

Throughout my life, I've "street skated" across some of the world's largest cities, and my skateboarding adventures have created countless memories. One time, I almost missed my train stop and ended up getting off in the middle of nowhere. I had to walk for 30 minutes through a desert filled with sagebrush and sand to reach the train station.

Skateboarding has given me many great moments in life. I hope you cherish every minute of your journey, and if you're a skateboarder, I encourage you to keep skating well into your later years – until you can't walk anymore, and even then, sit on your skateboard and push yourself with your hands.

Wishing you all the best, Carl Wolfgang Schultz

I invite you all to join me on this incredible journey, where I'll be sharing more stories, insights, and experiences related to skateboarding and beyond. You can follow my adventures and connect with me through my personal website.

Don't hesitate to visit carlwschultz.com to stay updated and become a part of this exciting community.


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