Affilorama Blueprint 3.0 Review

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Affilorama The #1 Affiliate Marketing Course

I want to first start out by saying thank you for coming to my website. I always strive to give honest opinions about the products I review.
I don’t want you getting in over your head, so I spent the time researching Affilorama to give you an accurate assumption. I don’t want you to spend a lot of money on a affiliate marketing program if it won't actually bring you value and education.

Start Today.


The Internet is the place to be for affiliate marketing. If you work hard enough at it, you can be successful in this field too. I follow tons of successful and inspiring AFFILIATE marketers online that I think you should know:
Here are a few of my favorite Affiliate Marketers:
  1. Jon Chow
  2. Pat Flynn
  3. and Harsh Agrawal
I started out building websites, but now I'm more involved with affiliate marketing, and content creation.
Why should you start a website?
  • Basically, Everything is going digital.
  • Yet, We will still have retail stores because people love to physically shop, but an online presence creates more value for shoppers.
  • Some shoppers need to have to ability to touch and feel clothing, shoes, etc before they purchase an item. However, online shopping is the future.
      • Today, employers needs employees who can market products online.
    • These skills are so valuable to companies it is ridiculous!
      • Websites, affiliate commissions, advertising, you name it - they need it.
Why Are Websites The Future?
  • Having a website gives consumers a way to interact with the company in a more personal experience.
  • Most brick and mortor businesses need to have an online presence
  Why Should You Start Affiliate Marketing?
  1. Affiliate marketing is very similar to corporate sales and marketing positions.
  2. There's so much money to be made.
  3. I personally have made money via affiliate marketing.
  4. Knowing how to make money online through affiliate marketing is a great skill to have.
  5. You can learn marketing skills that are valuable to any company.

Want to See Affilorama in Action?

Click the picture "below" for FREE AFFILORAMA LESSONS

 Need More Action?

Click here to Watch a playlist.

Here's My History With Affiliate

What are the pros and cons of the product?


Pro #1 - The quality is high, with some interesting topics discussed, including a series on digital product creation which is often over looked by many of the training systems out there.
Pro #2 - Great education, tools, and resources
Pro #3 - you will learn from experienced affiliate marketers
Pro #4 - You'll get a road map that has been proven to work
Pro #5 - people who have already been successful in this market will teach you how to do the same
Pro #5 - The potential to make a lot of money
Pro #6 - The skills that you will learn are priceless in every aspect of your life
Pro #7 - Only $1 start, next month is


Con #1 - The keyword tool from Affilorama is basically worthless.
Con #2 - It is going to take some time to learn how the product and system works
Con #3 - You will have to learn how to navigate through the portal
Con #4 - It is not 100% zero start up costs
Con #5 - You will have to make an initial investment
Con #6 - Your friends will not understand what you're doing
Con #7 - You may be criticize as a scam artist

Best Value!

 Is the product meant for you?

  • I cannot think of a better place to start then with this product simply because you will learn from an already proven system.
  • The only reason I would want you to sign up for this product is if you are serious about making money online because I know this product will get you on the right track.
  • First and foremost, I need you to be 100% dedicated to this program.
  • You get out what you put into the program.
  • If you’re not dedicated to putting in the time to learning the material, you will ultimately fail at this business.
  • This affiliate marketing business is for people who are entrepreneurial.

 It doesn't matter if you're a...

  • College dropout
  • Work at home Mom
  • Complete tech-novice
  • Retired
  • Unemployed
  • Or just wanting to escape the corporate grind

 Is the product of high quality and easy to use? 

  1. Yes, the product is of high quality.
  2. There’s only a few main players in this affiliate training guide market.
  3. It is an oligopoly competition so this training program is going to worth every penny.
  4. You are going to get what you need from the course materials.
  5. The product is easy to use.
  6. All you have to do is watch some videos and you’re set.
  7. There’s not a whole lot of complication, but you will need to be computer savvy.

What are the other alternative solutions?

The only alternative solutions to that I could locate are below:

Alternative Solution #1 - ( The Internet Marketing Advantage by Steven Clayton
Alternative Solution #2 - ( Commission Blue Print

Again, they're not that many alternative solutions to Affilorama and so...

Affilorama is a great place to start.

What are the other users’ saying about the product?

  • I'll be honest with you, you don't really hear much about the other users' experiences.
  • I mean there's a lot of talk on the forums and various web pages.
  • They talk about worked and what didn't during their experiences
  • But your situation well entirely depends on your level of dedication to the product.
  • You're going to do great!
  • This product will get you on the right track.

It is as simple as that.

Why do people fail with the Product?  

This is because they either dropped out of the product or they ended up being so successful with the product that they're now out doing amazing things with what they’ve learned. 

They’re too busy making money that they don’t care to invest in teaching other people or sharing their knowledge. 

Is the product worth buying?

In my opinion, the product is worth buying, but you have to be dedicated to learning how affiliate marketing works. It takes time to build wealth and this sort of thing doesn’t happen over night. You need to have your own blog or website to track user interaction and basic statistics.
If you don’t already have a website, well, than perhaps you might want to get a jump on that first, then come back to, but is still a great source of information to get you thinking before you start building your first website.
Affiliate websites are much different than your typical blog-type websites. The product will teach you how to build a proper affiliate website so that you don't make the common mistakes that other web designers do.
I believe that the product is worth buying because you are able to purchase other advanced tools and resources on their website, in addition to your first subscription.
If you are considering Affilorama, than I would suggest to you that your better off only buying the basic membership. There’s no need to go all out and purchase their other services and products.
It can get pretty expensive if you know what I mean. All you need to know is how the system works, and then you can go off and create other websites with other platforms, etc.

What does the product do?

The product is a training course that develops the knowledge and skills necessary to build wealth online through the selling of digital and physical products, but mostly digital.

#1 You will receive an affiliate marketing Quick-start Guide.

#2 You will Receive a downloadable roadmap to success

 #3 You'll receive 120 video lessons

Who's the average user of the product?

  •  -The average user of the product someone who is digitally savvy and has the basic tech skills needed to advance in online marketing.
  • -The average user of the product has every intention of making more money online, but has to jump through many hurdles to find a product like that works for them.
  • -The average user of this product does not know how to build a website or make money online.
  • -The average user of this product does not know search engine marketing.
  • -The average user of this product does not understand search engine optimization.
  • -The average user of this product is a beginner with affiliate marketing.

Why does the average user want to use the product?

  • In my experience, the average user wants to use the product because they know very little about affiliate marketing; and they want to make some money online.
  • The average user has the desire to learn the material, and sticking with the program is a must.
  •  In order to succeed in this business the average user learns from and than applies that knowledge to create a steady passive income stream.
For your monthly cash payment you will get access to the following:
  • Monthly Training Magazine
  • Live Affiliate Blog Bootcamp
  • Premium Software Tools
  • Free Web Hosting for 15 Domains
  • 30 Quailty PLR Articles Every Month

What do the features of the product mean to the users?

Feature #1 - Users will definitely appreciate those easy to use videos that they offer on the product.
Feature #2 - This means that the users can take their time Learning the material. Not everybody learns at the same pace. This makes it extremely convenient for everyone using the product.
Feature #3 - Basically, you can learn at your own rate.

How do those features improve the user’s lives?

Benefit #1 - Being able to market other peoples products and services is very important.
Benefit #2 - I know this because when I was going to school my teachers noticed that I could articulate knowledge on marketing.
Believe it or not, if you are looking to become an employee for a company, you need to have these selling skills to understand how products and services are sold.
Sign Up Now, While You Still Can!

Okay, so what's the price of the product?

 Joining Affilorama costs $1 for the first month and then a fairly hefty $67 a month after that. Compared with other internet marketing learning/community sites out there, this is on the expensive side. 

Great Carl, but is there a guarantee on the product?

  1. Yes, this product has a 60 day money-back-guarantee.
    1. Even the $1 trial has a 60 day money back guarantee.
  2. You can rest assured with these types of products knowing that you can get your money back if you are not satisfied.
  3. Helpul Tip: I recommend when you purchase Affilorma, locate the user-dash board (portal) first.
    1. Then, try to navigate around the dashboard.
    2. If you ever have trouble navigating the site. Contact their support center immediately.
      1. Here's a link to their customer support.
Final Note: If you are not able to navigate the users main dashboard, then you probably want to save a headache and get your money back.
No harm no foul, go get your money back. It's as promising as that! 

How long do customers have to wait to receive the product?

  • -This online product is accessed as soon as you buy it. 
  • -You don't need to wait for any kind of shipping to arrive.
  • -This is what makes online shopping so profitable and convenient.
  • -Imagine if you had to literally wait weeks to get the product it in the mail - bummer right?
  • -Companies lose customers when they make them wait.
  • -Furthermore, this is instant access product.

It's my responsibility to inform you that I am an affiliate for Affilorama. If you’re interested in purchasing the product, please click any one of my affiliate links on this page to be directed to Affilorama’s website.

 Thank you for your time, and thank you for reading my blog post.

My goal is to guide you in the right direction and to hopefully inspire you to make money through affiliate marketing.

Thank you for Reading,
Carl Wolfgang Schultz

Respectfully Contact:


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